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2017/5/3 9:18:58


根据美国官方智库政策研究所(Institute for Policy Studies)在周三的一份报告中指出,美国最富有的20位富翁总资产为7320亿美元,超过了美国财富排名后50%的人总资产。《福布斯》杂志美国400富豪的净资产为2.34万亿美元。那我们如何用英语翻译形容超级大富豪的财富呢?百万千万非常不够,十亿百亿似乎也上不了全球富豪排行榜。小编用的是“超级富翁”来代表一系列我们可望不可及的财富。

Zillionaire refers to a person who has an extremely large but unspecified amount of money. Zillionaire is an immeasurably wealthy person.



The word millionaire has been used in English to designate a person who is worth a million pounds or dollars, depending on the side of the ocean, since 1786. We borrowed the word straight from the French, whose millions, of course, were in francs. Millionaire eventually no longer sufficed, and English speakers coined billionaire in 1844. Soon afterwards came multimillionaire, followed by multibillionaire in the early 1900s.



Once zillion was made up as a humorous word for an indeterminately large number (patterned on million and billion), it was only a matter of time before zillionaire came along as a humorous word for a person of seemingly immeasurable wealth.



Zillion and zillionaire aren't used in the most formal of writing, but they have found their way into plenty of serious publications.
