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中国智能产业发展 成立“类脑国家实验室”

2017/5/16 10:18:16

  中国智能产业发展  成立“类脑国家实验室”


virtual reality(VR) 虚拟现实

augmented reality(AR) 增强现实

artificial intelligence(AI) 人工智能

humanoid 仿真机器人

类脑智能机器人 brain-inspired intelligent robots

类脑(brain-inspired intelligence)是人工智能(AI technology)发展的重要途径,通过发展类脑智能可以揭示人脑信息处理的途径(ways of information processing in the human brain),有利于完备智能技术体系,推动我国智能产业发展。

由中国科技大学牵头,复旦大学、中科院沈阳自动化所、中科院微电子所和百度公司共同建设的该研究平台将支撑开展类脑认知与神经计算(brain-inspired cognitive and neural computing)、类脑芯片与系统(brain-inspired chips and system)、类脑智能机器人(brain-inspired intelligent robots)等技术的研发与工程化。

类脑实验室主任、中国科技大学信息学院执行院长吴枫介绍,目前类脑智能的发展面临三大瓶颈,即脑机理认知不清楚(brain mechanism cognition is not clear)、类脑计算模型和算法不精确(the brain-inspired computing model and algorithm is not accurate)、计算架构和能力受制约(the calculation structure and capacity is constrained),类脑实验室将围绕这三大瓶颈展开攻关。

China National Engineering Laboratory was recently set up by the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei, Anhui Province to develop AI technology by learning human brain mechanisms.